"Sioux Playing Ball" by Charles Deas circa 1843 |
Though most people think hockey is Canada's National Sport, it's more of the national pastime and it's actually Lacrosse that is holds that claim. Played by the native Canadian Algonquin tribes in and around the St. Lawrence valley and Great Lakes regions, it was first seen by Jesuit priests in 1630, who called it the "la crosse", which is French for "the stick".
Actual box score from game in 1946 |
Quite a few people seem to know that the game of basketball was invented by a Canadian but not many know that the first Canadian team to play in the NBA was the Toronto Huskies, way back in 1946.
Molson Brewery circa 1800 |
The oldest brewery in North America is Molson's, which started making beer in Montreal in 1786. Sadly, it is now owned by Coors, an American brewery.
St. John's harbour in the 1500's |
The oldest city in Canada is St.John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, founded in 1583.

Even though Canada was established in 1867, it did not get it's official flag until 1965.
Canada has more doughnut shops per capita than anywhere else in the world. Tim who?
The green ink used for American money was invented at McGill University in Montreal in 1857.
Wood Buffalo National Park, in Alberta, is bigger than the entire country of Switzerland. The park is home to the worlds' largest herd of roaming Wood Bison (there are no buffalo in Canada!) and also the last known nesting site of Whooping Cranes.
That's what I said...there are no buffalo in Canada, or North America for that matter. Bison are a distinct breed unto themselves ( Bison bison), though they are related to Buffalo since both are in the Bovid family. The only other bison in the world are European Bison ( Bison Bonasus)