Friday 28 October 2016

Spare Tire

If there was a way to get rid of that "spare tire" around your middle, using a spare tire or two to wear it off is the answer!! We run a boot camp after work at the BlueCircle Tower and took a few videos of what we do with a few old tires I rounded up from a tire shop in the neighbourhood. The big truck tire weighs in at 77kg. (170 lb) and the smaller skid steer tire is a bit lighter by at least half, but certainly heavy enough for what we need. We do a variety of exercises with them, like flipping them end over end, rolling them, picking them up and tossing them, or hooking up a harness and dragging them around the yard. We also take a 5 1/2 kg (or 3 1/2 kg for the beginners) sledge hammer and beat on the edge of the tires as they lay flat, switching from a left hand swing to a right hand swing every 10 swings to get an equal work out on both sides. All of this makes for a full body workout and I can tell you that a few rounds of each exercise over the course of even just 30 minutes can get you huffing and puffing and sweating up a storm. Well, the guys "sweat" but the ladies "perspire" of course! haha
We do get some looks from people driving by, and even a few who stop to watch, but so far no-one has asked to join in the sessions! haha! It will be a bit tougher to do this workout when the snow really starts to fly but while the weather is decent enough, it's great to be outdoors and get in some fitness training. And, it sure will help keep me in shape for my wood splitting sessions up at the camp, especially the sledge hammer swings! Bonus!!!

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