Saturday 21 April 2018

True (?) Facts (?)

You know, when you read something and say to yourself...really? 

I'm talking about things that are somewhat hard to believe, though certainly plausible, giving you doubts about the validity. Of course, I hate to say the words "fake news", just because I don't want to make any references to "Man Who Thinks He Is A President", but if you read the following facts randomly selected from the book "1001 Facts That Will Scare The S#*t Out Of You", you may have cause for questions. Or, you'll laugh out loud, like I did, maybe because author Cary McNeal typically adds in a bit of his biting sarcastic wit after each entry! haha

10 Strange Facts to Disturb Your Mind!

Fact: from page 31
The Bible is the most commonly shoplifted book. ( "at least the right people are getting it!")

Fact: from page 38
By the time you're an adult, you'll have approximately 500 million hairs growing out of your skin, the same as a gorilla ( "or Robin Williams")

Fact: from page 68
Work related stress can be as damaging to your health as cigarette smoking ( "but if you handle that stress with a smoke break, they cancel each other out")

Fact: from page 50
Of all the people using dating sites, 35% of them are married. ("hey, we all forget things sometimes")

Fact: from page 117
The most germ laden place on the toilet is not the seat or even the bowl, it's the handle
(" solution...don't flush, let the next guy worry about it")

Fact: from page 305
Just while making the bed, the average person traverses 4 miles in a year ( "that's one huge bed")

Fact: from page 224
In the early 1900's, aspirin maker Bayer also commercially developed and sold heroin for several medicinal uses, including cough suppression ( "I'm sure heroin suppresses many things")

Fact: from page 15
A medium fruit and yogurt smoothie at Dunkin' Donuts contains 4 times as much sugar as a chocolate covered cake doughnut ("good, I'd rather have the doughnut")

Fact: from page 110
Children spend greater time watching t.v. than any other activity, except sleep ("do you know what babysitters charge these days?")

Fact; from page 191
Pigs can become alcoholics ("no...too easy")

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