Saturday 19 January 2019

Blue Monday

January 21st is known as "Blue Monday", a day shortly after the Christmas and New Year's holidays where people feel particularly gloomy and sad.

It's the big let down after all of the holiday festivities, combined with having to go back to work, and followed by the arrival of the credit card bills associated with all of the Christmas spending.

The month of February is looming and the real weight of a few months of Winter weather and very short days are bearing down on you, including the drudgery of dealing with cold, snow and all of the related issues for the past few months. You're just getting a bit tired of it all, bundling up to go outside, shovelling snow, and scraping windshields. It's becoming tedious and your thoughts are mostly about how much longer it will be until Spring arrives and/or where you can escape to a nice vacation in a warm sunny spot.

The February Blahs are quite common with everyone and most people deal with it fairly well but to help you cope you may need some ideas.

5 Tips To Help Beat The Blahs

  • Get outside and get some sunlight!

    It may be difficult to be outdoors when it's cold or if you have to be at work and there are limited hours of daylight, but having some sunshine is good for you. If you can't get natural daylight, try some simulated sunshine, like that which you can get from a 'light box'.

  • Exercise!

    Getting your body moving and create a bit of perspiration, getting your heart rate up and stimulating your body and mind.

  • Watch your diet!

    Eating properly and avoiding junk food can help with overall health and wellness. As mentioned, lack of sunshine is tough on the body so try some liquid Vitamin D as a supplement.

  • Get busy!

    Pick a hobby or volunteer somewhere and keep yourself busy and your mind occupied with something positive.

  • Play music!

    Shut off the t.v. and play some tunes instead. Something that can be done as you work on that new hobby or craft.

Of course, there are more serious ramifications for some people and this can actually be classified as a medical condition which may include depression or Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.).

Some common signs of depression.

  • An inability to function normally in everyday life

  • An inability to enjoy activities you once loved

  • Lethargy, fatigue and the feeling that doing things takes a lot of energy

  • Persistent sadness, including fits of crying uncontrollably or easily, and the feeling of emptiness and anxiety

  • Feeling blue or sad for extended periods of time

  • Feelings of worthlessness, self blame or lack of self esteem

  • Sleeping more than usual or not sleeping at all

  • Unusual weight loss or gain, excessive eating or appetite loss

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Pessimism and feelings of hopelessness

  • Body pains, aches, cramps, headaches and digestive problems

  • Irritability and restlessness

  • Suicidal thoughts, thoughts of dying or attempting suicide

If you're experiencing any of these types of symptoms or notice these in a family member or friend, please seek immediate professional help.

The Canadain Mental Health Association has some serious advice and can help direct you to the right people in your area to get you started on a path to wellness.

Also check out the Calgary Health Region for additional advice and services.

Depression can be treated and there is no need for anyone to suffer or feel alone, so please reach out and seek professional help.

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