Monday 15 August 2016

The List Goes On, And On And....

Have you ever been riding or driving behind a vehicle where the brake lights keep coming on and going off for no apparent reason?

Actually stopping, or accidentally hitting the brake pedal?
Is that driver in front of you actually stopping? Maybe they're warning you of a hazard on the road or are you following too close?

Possibly they're one of those Nervous Nellies, who are always on the brakes, or may even hover over the pedal with their left foot, thinking they're better prepared to stop if something should arise yet not realising that any slight touch on the pedal could activate the brake lights.

Sad to say that the list of common driving errors is a long and lengthy one, and maybe getting longer, and the behaviour mentioned above is one of them. Sadly, it's not only irritating but dangerous too and certainly a pet peeve of mine, particularly when I'm on my motorcycle.

Of course, the best way to avoid issues is to stay well back and widen your following distance. Unfortunately, it always seems that when you attempt to pass or change lanes, the second you turn away to look in the mirror and do a shoulder check, that's the moment they actually do stop and you're caught unaware.
The sandwich effect: getting rear ended after hitting someone else or hitting someone else after being rear ended.

So, my advice to anyone driving is to keep your foot away from your brake pedal and on the floor board, thereby avoiding sending an  improper message to anyone travelling behind your vehicle.

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