Friday 20 January 2017

Bike Show Biz

Many satisfied clients already know that BlueCircle has specialty motorcycle coverage, which is why we're one of, if not the biggest, insurers of motorcycles in Alberta.

Our crew just finished up back to back weekends at two motorcycles shows, one in Calgary and one in Edmonton and we're exhausted but quite happy! The bike shows are a great way to talk to our existing clients and thank them for their business ( and give them some of our swag!! haha!) and it's also a huge opportunity to meet new people and introduce them to our offerings which we believe to be the best in the industry.

Even before the show(s) started, we were doing a lot of prep work, loading swag bags!!

How Am I going to fit all this stuff into one truck!! haha!

Here's some thoughts on what went down at both the shows, as well as a lead in to some observations made while talking to the many people who stopped at our booth.

For one thing, we all know times are a bit tough here in Alberta and it showed this year with some lower attendance. It's unfortunate to see a decline in people able to get to the show but it's just the way it is right now and we're hoping it soon swings back up with a recovery.

Those that did make it to the show, however, seemed to be more focused on the specifics of what was being offered, including our own insurance packages. More scrutiny and discussion, which is what we at BlueCircle like because we get a chance to explain our philosophy and our advice, which is to always consider proper coverage first and foremost. Best not get fixated on cost only, though we appreciate the concerns with that part of the equation.

It seemed like the shows were missing a few of the smaller exhibitors this year, which is just another sign of the economic times.

My belief that motorcyclists are one of the most philanthropic groups in the world was reinforced by the number of booths manned by people and clubs involved in charities, as well as the many that attended the shows

Between the Calgary and Edmonton shows, Victory Motorcycles announced their intention to shut down production of their bikes, meaning 2017 is the latest and last of this motorcycle brand. A bit of shock to the local public, since Western Canada is one of the biggest markets in North America.

I heard a lot of complaints about the cost of parking at Northlands Expo Centre. It seems to me that it's pretty much a necessity to drive there and parking cost $16.oo, which is more expensive than the actual admission to the show.

The "Battle Of Alberta", Edmonton Oilers versus Calgary Flames, had an effect on the Saturday night attendance at the Edmonton show. Before, when the Oilers played at Northlands, it usually bolstered the crowds, but since they've moved to their beautiful new arena, people left early, likely to go for dinner and get to the game.

Back to the interactions we had with visitors at our booth, we noticed that way too many of the people who were inquiring about the services, insurance packages and coverage offered by BlueCircle were unaware or unsure of several key components of their insurance and related processes. We've always prided ourselves on being the professionals and advising our clients accordingly and it is disturbing to think that there are a lot of consumers out there who have not been treated similarly by their broker or insurer.

I decided to do a series of blog posts on some of those missed or misunderstood topics in the next week or so, in the hopes of providing a bit of education to those who are not as well informed. Check out "Oh Lord, Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood" and watch for other related posts in the near future.

Aaron and I doing the set-up

Kyla and I are ready at the booth for the start of  the Calgary Show 

Old School meets New School Brain Bucket

Lots of nice old bikes courtesy of the CVMG : Rocky Mountain Section

Yamaha had a "Kiddie Corral", where the little ones could try their hand at riding

Melissa and Melissa (Milli) were there to promote "Ride Canada 150"

This photo says a lot about BlueCircle , with our president there in person at the booth to speak directly to our clients and visitors, and us promoting the Man Van, whom we sponsor through the "Calgary Motorcycle Ride For Dad"

Speaking of the "Man Van"....

...and "The Calgary Motorcycle Ride For Dad"

Lots of visitors to our booth, including members of the "Veterans Canada" M.C. 

We had some fun while working, with Dawn, Kyla, Dirk and Aaron
We've helped a little with some sponsorship for "The Honour Ride", here with John Couture and Jim Perry
Another good cause we like to support, "One Broken Biker", with founder Ashlee Atkin
Gettin' wild and wooly
My favourite bike at the show "The Strat", a custom build by Calgary's "Lucid Moto Co

A very little rider who took part in the "Gravity and Ground" motorcycle stunt show

Several shows a day, included in your admission

Our special guests Dean and Alison, winners of the VIP passes at the Edmonton Motorcycle Show

Troy, the "T" of  "T & A"at "Ride Stop n Go"

Our pals at "Too Cool Motorcycle School"

"Torch" had a booth at the show and are still working on their handbuilt bike projects, with a focus on women riders
Our very own Ang, from "BlueCircle" and "Ride Stop n Go", modelling some funky goggles

This old 1946 Matchless was a barn find for one of the CVMG Noral in Edmonton.

Look at us, all smiling and happy and waiting for the show to start this morning

Show site ink

A nicely refurbished old Harley

Great to see people sporting one of our old shirts, this 10th Anniversary version from 5 years ago.

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