Friday 7 April 2017


On our way into K-Country

Wow, what a weekend past! Actually, an extra long weekend to be truthful, where we rented a chalet out near Dead Man's Flat, Alberta. We stayed at a place called The Banff Gate Mountain resort, which seemed like a strange name considering the Banff National Park gate is about 25 km further west. Who knew that the original Banff Park gate was, indeed, at Dead Man's Flat and only was moved to its' current location to facilitate the commerce that goes on in this area and nearby Lac des Arc.
Anyway, we got a great deal on our place and though there were a few signs of aging and wear and tear on teh palce, we were happy with everything. Roomy, with space for 6 people to sleep, and a beautiful view out the windows. A kitchen and BBQ on the deck to do the cooking, and a pool and hot tub to soak in after our hikes.
And hike we did, with the whole family along to enjoy our beautiful big back yard!! Here's a few photos of our day on an unmarked trail up Grizzly Peak, made possible with the help of my son's awesome GPS system. Not only is the trail unmarked but there was still a fair bit of snow up there and we were often searching for the route. I guess that just adds to the adventure!!
What a great way to spend the day with family, get some exercise, and enjoy some of the best scenery in the whole world!!

These exceptional women did an amazing job on the hike up Grizzly Peak!
It was a steep climb!
What a view!
Now we're getting high enough where the snow hasn't melted yet. 
Our destination seemed elusive at times
This fine young man did the hike with an extra 35+ pounds on his back. Note the bear spray, since it is called Grizzly Peak for a reason.

The 'Silver Set' did well that day too, possibly spurred on by the thought of a nice hot tub when we got back to the chalet! haha!

There really wasn't much of a trail to follow

Three generations on top of the world!! And we saw a furry little 'bear' too.

What goes up, must come down. Tricky stuff with the little guy on your back!

The old guy (me!) is doing well but thankful not to be carrying the grandson in a backpack

Gravity helps the descent, sort of, as going downhill is tough on the knees.
Someone followed us home to the chalet! haha!

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