Sunday 10 September 2017

High Salt Content

In the office of one our the BlueCircle Tower tenants.
So, you've likely seen a  few of these things around, maybe in an office, store, or someone's home. Himalayan Salt lamps are purported to do everything from clean and de-odourize the air in a room to increase a person's energy levels, with other various other effects and subsequent benefits claimed as well.
Basically, from my readings the theory revolves around the fact that electrons escaping from a given object leave behind a positively charged ion which then, through the laws of nature, takes an electron from another molecule, since certain materials give up electrons more easily. Since the salt crystals are naturally hygroscopic ( they absorb water molecules from the air.) the heat created by the bulb in the salt lamp keeps the salt dry and releases negative ions into the air, making it more healthy. I have to assume this will be such a minimal amount, which is why I am skeptical and say that there is no substitute for proper sleep, nutrition and exercise. But hey, that's just me talking and if a salt lamp makes you feel better, even if it's just the nice warm glow, then what else can be said.
This one is designed to do a detox extraction from your feet

My lamp came from Secret Santa and has the added bonus of pyramid power to go with the Himalayan salt
Angela is getting her share of positive ions!

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