Saturday 11 January 2020

Winter Adventuring Anyone?

Winter is a great time to go out and explore the back country, but you do need to be well prepared, especially with how you'll be staying warm and dry.

Staying warm and dry is the key to any outdoor activity in Winter. It's amazing how a fun day, cross country skiing or snowshoeing, can turn sour when the suns goes down and the temperature drops. 

Tips For Enjoying Your Outdoor Winter Activity

  • Check The Weather Before Going!

    Ensure you have a good understanding of what to expect for a weather pattern and always be ready for worst case scenarios. After all, they call them "forecasts" for a reason. Nothing is ever guaranteed when it comes to weather but it's best to use the tools available and better understand what's potentially happening with Mother Nature.

  • Check The Avalanche Report When Venturing Into Mountainous Back Country!

    Your safety and that of your companions and fellow explorers while out in mountainous areas should be top priority. Prepare yourself by taking an avalanche safety course, like those offered by Yamnuska Mountain Adventures or Avalanche Canada . There are plenty of great places to ski and snowshoe that are low risk on the avalanche scale but if you are venturing into higher risk areas, carry avalanche safety gear. Knowing how to recognise avalanche risks and being prepared to deal with any involvement with one could save a life, maybe even your own.

  • Wear Layers!

    If you dress in layers you can peel them off as you warm up from activity or if the sun gets hot when reflecting off the snow. Be sure to take off your layers sooner than later, before you get overheated. Damp or wet clothing that you remove, or which you'll still be wearing when peeling off a layer, will get cold quickly and make for some real discomfort, especially when you stop to rest.

  • Avoid Cotton!

    Cotton clothing is terrible when it gets wet and does not dry quickly either. Technical gear and wool are the best materials for staying warm, even if damp, and they do dry faster. Wool does irritate some people but the good stuff, like Merino, is very fine and much easier to tolerate against your skin. You can also wear a thin, technical layer underneath the wool garment to lessen irritation. Added bonus for wool is that it is fire resistant, so you're less likely to get burn holes if you have a campfire.

  • Stay Well Hydrated And Carry High Energy Food And Snacks!

    Exerting yourself during activity will dehydrate you and use a lot of energy. There's nothing fun about burning out while adventuring, so stay on top of your energy levels with plenty of pit stops for food and drink. 

  • Pack Extra Clothing And A Spare Hat And Mitts!

    Having an additional layer or two in your backpack may add a bit of weight but you'll be happy to have it if the weather changes and you start getting cold. And, there's always a chance of losing your hat or one or both of your gloves or mitts when remove them if you get warm, or when you're on the move or when peeling off a layer, so having spares is a wise move.

  • Keep Extra Boots And Clothing In Your Vehicle!

    You may end up getting wet and cold no matter what you do out there and returning to a change of clothes and footwear in your car will be a relief.

There's a saying that goes "there is no bad weather, just bad gear choices", so keep that in mind when preparing for your outdoor adventures!

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