Friday 14 February 2020

Be Mine

I'm not a big fan of Valentine's day and all that concocted sweetness, which is really just another commercial gimmick to sell over priced flowers, chocolate and other such "tokens of love"!

Yes, the above photo shows the skull of St. Valentine, on display at a church in Rome. Not sure if there's anything romantic about that and though his name is asscoiated with courtly love, St. Valentine is the patron saint of epilepsy (?), so there's something slightly odd about the whole set-up in my mind!

Just as odd, the celebration of love takes place on February 14th, which was the day Valentine was executed. How lovely!  Or, perhaps it was the day one of or all of the Valentines were executed, as apparently there are references to three St. Valentines. One was a Roman priest, another the bishop of Interamna, and one in the Roman province of Africa. Pick one or pick them all.

Anyway, enough of my little rant. Here's an anti-Valentine post that shows some of the strange and weird associated with the day, starting with some creepy, inuendo laden vintage cards.

Did you do a double take on this image? haha

Whoa, there's laws about beastiality ya know! 

Hmmm. let's encourage suicide shall we?

The depiction of the black man, the 'language", the lynching imagery! Seriously? 

Not even sure where to begin with this one...
Of course, there are a few modern cards that are sure to raise a few eyebrows...

Had to leave out the one that said "Be Mein" ( say no more)!

Any fans of "Alien" that you want to show some love?

Or fans of "The Walking Dead"?

As for other bits of oddness...


Double Yikes!!
 And, for a laugh, here's some for those who want to put a little bit of playfullness/kinkiness in their Valentine's wish...

Winkin' kitty! haha

Stuffin' the muffin? hahaha
Cake anyone?

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