Wednesday 19 August 2015

How To Get Paid To Ride A Motorcycle: Part One

I know a few motorcycle cops and we've shared a laugh over it being one way a person could enjoy the freedom of riding while also collecting a pay cheque. In the U.S., motorcycles have been used by the police since 1908 and the first official patrol unit was purportedly in 1911. I did a previous post on that era of riding so here's a few photos from a couple of decades later, when low cost and efficiency coupled with mobility and speed made the motorcycle very popular with many police forces. And, apparently it was a great way of attracting recruits to the force because, as I said in the title of the post, who wouldn't like to get paid to ride?
This looks mid 30's

The 60's maybe

Texas oil patch?

Indian Motorcycles were also marketed to the police

The white socks might also give you a clue about the era! haha!

The kick-start era for sure.

Old school police bikes in a recent parade

Another Indian in the force

This might have been one of the first uses of high viz colours.

1 comment:

  1. I know a few motorcycle cops and we've shared a laugh over it being one way a person could enjoy the freedom of riding while also collecting a pay best motorcycle helmet brands
