Friday 22 September 2017


UBI sounds like some sort of competitor of a driving service, but it's not a trade name in that regard and actually stands for User Based Insurance. 

User Based Insurance is the premise behind a new form of assessing risk on automobile usage and subsequently a driver's premiums. One may also hear the term 'telematics' used when talking about UBI, since this refers to the electronic device used to monitor a driver's behaviour.

In some cases the electronic device is as simple as an app for a smartphone, but for commercial applications the monitoring is done with an actual device which is hardwired to the vehicle.

The UBI system was originally designed to help parents of teenage drivers keep their insurance premiums lower and has been adopted by a few insurers as the way of the future. One of the companies that BlueCircle represents as a broker is promoting this driving habits monitoring system as a way to help promote better driving behaviour and reduce accidents, therby reducing premiums.

6 Good Reasons To Sign Up For  "My Driving Discount

  1. A 10% discount just for signing up

  2. The monitoring will never cause your insurance rates to increase

  3. Only applied if there is a decrease in the premium, so nothing to lose. 

  4. Good driving habits are rewarded with as much as a 25% discount 

  5. Easy to use app for your phone, turned on before you commence driving.

  6. Data use is minimal, less than watching a video or using apps like SnapChat etc

The 3 Driving Habits Which Are Monitored

  1. How fast you accelerate ( less than 12 kmph per second)

  2. How fast you brake when slowing down or stopping ( less than 12 kmph per second)

  3. The time of day you drive ( avoiding the high risk time of 12:00 a.m. - 4:00 a.m.)

Other than these factors, there's nothing more to the program other than the timeline to which the monitoring is done and the minimum number of kilometres required in that time frame, designed to give a more accurate reflection of your driving habits.

BlueCircle represents one of our premiere providers,  Intact Insurance, who call their UBI program "My Driving Discount".  We'd certainly be happy to explain the variety of incentives that would give many drivers good reason to sign up and it's a simple process to get you started on the program that gives you a 10% discount just for signing up!

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