Team Zeus began building in 2012 with the Mule, a low-budget conversion of a 1982 Honda CM400 from gas to electric power. Now they are working on the Zephyr, a 2006 Suzuki GSX-R which they are transforming into a high speed electric race bike.
Students, this is the club to be a member of for hands on experience. They have members from engineering and business to physics and found tons to do for all of them. Now well into their second year, Team Zeus is growing exponentially and it's a great time to get involved.
Unfortunately, what they lack is funding and Team Zeus is looking for sponsorship and donations. As you may well imagine, a project of this kind requires creative minds, technical expertise and enthusiasm, something the Team Zeus club members have in abundance! However, the technological components are not cheap and they need some help. The Zephyr requires batteries totaling 10 kwh, at a cost of about $1000.00 per kwh, so it has been a challenge to cover those needs. Team Zeus welcomes any company or individual who wants to help the innovators of tomorrow get their start today and get this bike on the track.

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