I'm usually not content to just write a typical Christmas cheer type of post, as evident in "Yule Like This Christmas Story", so here's another one that puts a bit of a weird spin on the holiday season.
And hey, who doesn't like a bit of strangeness on an occasion that is usually syrupy and sweet. In this case, here's some old ( and not so old) photos with Santa that might be more apt to scare the little visitors than to charm them with visions of sugar plums!! Sort of like Hallowe'en meets Christmas! haha!
It's a surprise that this little bairn isn't in tears with evil eyed Santa |
The wee one definitely looks a bit unsure |
What's that Santa, you need another shot of whisky? |
Not sure if this Santa is actually alive? |
Yikes! Speaking of Hallowe'en, here's one that looks like Santa / Pennywise! |
Creepo Santa "A" may want to reconsider his hand placement. Santa "B" might want to quit the cult he joined. |
Though he looks like a caricature, at least this Santa appears to be fairly benign. |
This little one is too young to realize that Santa could be an axe murderer! |
Large Santa body, small head. |
A scowling, decrepit looking fellow for sure. |
It's the black rings around the eyes that makes this one creepy |
Again, this little fellow may just be too young to be creeped out |
Colonel Santa, flogging KFC during Christmas in Japan. More funny than creepy, but so many questions about why Japan does the KFC thing as a holiday tradition? |
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