Friday 1 April 2016

Retiring From A Non-Existing Job!!

A friend sent me this link about a news article purported to have been in the London Times. Upon further research, it seems that the story had been circulating in various forms and some reporters at the Bristol News did a follow up to see if the story was true, or just another urban myth. Seems the story was originally printed in a newspaper, coincidentally the Bristol News, and was actually part of a series of articles written about urban myths, with this particular tale coinciding with April Fools Day.
Pretty funny side story, but the thought of the actual subject of the 'article' was pretty funny and somewhat believable, maybe because it's the tale about a regular guy who creates a job for himself, gets rich, and outsmarts the government, all at the same time.
Here's the 'news article', as presented to me in it's seemingly authentic form.

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