Wednesday 20 April 2016

Water Water Everywhere....

...and not a drop to drink!

All my recent posts about 'flooding' and 'water escape', and the subsequent clean up process, got me thinking about other aspects in our lives related to water. Here are some amazing facts about the supply of water in the world!

70% of the world is covered in water but only 2.5% is potable (safe for human consumption).

Can't drink that water

Of that 2.5% supply of potable water, only 1% of it is accessible, with the remaining portion frozen in icefields and glaciers, saturated in the soil, or held in deep aquifers that are difficult to reach.

It would be hard to drink this water 

One in ten people, approximately 663 million, lack access to safe water.

Imagine this is your drinking water

Women and children spend approximately 125 million hours every day, collecting water.

Woman and children do the bulk of water collection

Every 90 seconds a child dies from some form of water related disease.

Guinea Worm is a parasite ingested through contaminated water

Global warming doesn't just create floods and overland water escape but also affects many countries with droughts, with that severe condition affecting parts of Africa, South America, Australasia/Oceania, and North America.

Recorded by satellite over time, this lake in Bolivia is disappearing

 According the World Economic Forum, held in January 2015, the water crises is the number one global risk, based on impact to society.

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